On 17th January 2008 there was a operational service medal investiture held at the Convent.
The medal is Silver and circular in shape.
The obverse of the medal shows the crowned
effigy of Queen Elizabeth.
The reverse bears the Union Flag, surrounded
by the inscription 'For Operational Service'
and the four major points of the compass,
with four coronets: Royal (top left), Naval
(top right), Mural-Army (bottom left),
and Astral-Royal Air Force (bottom right).
The clasp reading 'Afghanistan' is awarded
for service specifically in Afghanistan.
When the ribbon alone is worn, a silver
rosette denotes award of this clasp.
The ribbon has a broad central red stripe,
flanked each side by a stripe of royal blue
and one of light blue, to represent the three
services, with an outer stripe of light brown
to reflect the landscape of Afghanistan.
To qualify for award of the medal with clasp,
personnel must have served in Afghanistan
for thirty days' continuous Service.
The medal was instituted on the 1 Jan 2003.
The medal is circular in shape and made of bronze.
The obverse bears the NATO star set in a wreath
of olive leaves, on the reverse the words, In
Service of Peace and Freedom.
The medal is suspended from a blue and white ribbon
with a central silver line. The medal is awarded
for thirty days continuous or accumulated service
in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslavia
(including Kosovo), Albania, and the Former Republic
of Macedonia, This medal replaced NATO medals for the
Former-Yugoslavia, Kosovo and the Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia. |
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